Arley Community Association

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Arley Community Association (ACA) was formed in 2004 following widespread local concerns towards the inclusion of the Arley Miners Welfare Hall site into the  NWBC revision of the Local Plan as a site for Affordable Housing without proper consultation with the local community.

The ACA with the help of local residents comprehensively objected to this and, following a public inquiry, the site was removed from the development plan.

Following the Local Plan Inquiry, ACA petitioned the guardians of the welfare site, The Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation, to seek provision of a community building which was desperately needed in New Arley on the site in Ransome Road, but due to the history surrounding the demise of the Miners Welfare this aim became unachievable.

ACA has also been proactive in the areas of undertaking community surveys such as the Arley Parish Plan to enable the aspirations and needs of the local community to be understood and documented, supported the revival of the youth club in New Arley, held various fun days and fetes, assisted in the development of the new community centre at the rear of St Michael’s Church and actively supports Arley News, the local newsletter.